Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Training TTM: Orlando Hudson

  • Orlando Hudson 1/2- By far one of the most consistent TTM signers in baseball, Orlando signed a red-bordered parallel of his 11 Topps card, and returned a 09 Topps U&H unsigned. I guess he still has some bad blood for the Dodgers and refuses to sign cards of them. Sent 2/25 (16 days)


  1. You're right about O-Dog & the Dodgers. Hasn't signed those cards in a while.

  2. I heard about him refusing to sign Dodger cards. That has kept me from sending to him.

  3. I knew that he didn't sign Dodgers cards last year, I was just checking to see if "time heals all wounds". Guess there's still some time left for that.
