3 Returns: Miguel Cabrera, Ron Washington, Garret Anderson

- Miguel Cabrera 1/1- This was the first time I've paid for an autograph in about 10 years, but at $10 per card, I couldn't resist. The Detroit Tigers Foundation is partnering with several players on the team to sign autographs through the mail for charity, and it even comes with a certificate of authenticity from the team. I'm still waiting for one to come back from Magglio. Sent 5/17 (19 days)
- Garrett Anderson 1/1- Always automatic through the mail, I got around to sending out his '09 Topps card and received it back quickly from the Dodgers. Sent 5/26 (15 days)
- Ron Washington 3/2- The Rangers manager signed his cards from the '08 and '09 Topps sets, as well as one of the protective index cards I included with my letter. Another quick turnaround, and my 50th TTM return of the year! Sent 5/26 (15 days)
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